

  • 招商银行:China Merchants Bank

  • 中国工商银行:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

  • 中国农业银行:Agricultural Bank of China

  • 花旗银行:Citibank

  • 中信银行:China Citic Bank

  • 交通银行:Bank of Communications

  • 中国光大银行:China Everbright Bank

  • 中国建设银行:China Construction Bank

  • 广东发展银行:Guangdong Development Bank

  • 中国银行:Bank of China

  • 中国民生银行:China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd.

  • 兴业银行:Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.

  • 北京银行:Bank of China


  • 转账:Transfer

  • 短信费:SMS fee

  • 账户管理费:Account management fee

  • 现存/现金存入:Cash deposit

  • 转支:Withdrawal through transfer

  • 结息:Interest settlement

  • 消费:Consumption

  • 网银转账:Online transfer/ Transfer via online bank

  • 现支:Cash withdrawal

  • 手续费:Service fee

  • 利息税:Interest tax

  • ATM跨行取现:Draw cash across bank from ATM

  • 转存:Redeposit

  • 委托扣:Entrusted deduction

  • 基金分红:Fund dividends

  • 授权结算:Authorized settlement

  • 转款:Transfer

  • 快捷支付:swift payment

  • 活期转入:Transferred in from current account

  • 收费:Charge

  • 客户转账:Customer transfer

  • 网上消费: Online spending/ Online consumption

  • 柜台存款:Counter deposit

  • 信用卡存:Deposit in credit card

  • 分红:Dividends of wealth management

  • 还本:Principal refund of wealth management

  • 汇入汇款:Inward remittance

  • 利息转存:Interest redeposit

  • 电子支付:Electronic payment

  • 跨行来账:

  • 银联ATM: Unionpay at ATM

  • POS消费:POS consumption

  • 转账销户: Transfer and close an account

  • 基金认购、申购、赎回:Subscription/Purchasing/redeeming fund

  • 电话费:Telephone fee

  • ATM跨行费:ATM inter-bank fee

  • 账户结息:Interest settlement

  • 柜台取现:Draw cash at counter

  • 即时售汇:Instant sale

  • 对私提回贷:Personal

  • 个人售汇:Personal sales of Fx

  • 转账收费:Transfer fee

  • 手机费:Mobile phone fee

  • 国际结算费:International settlement fee

  • 转账汇款:Transfer remittance

  • 行内汇入:Internal Remittance

  • 移动:China Mobile

  • 电信:Telecom

  • 报销:reimbursement

  • 网转:Online transfer

  • 跨行费:Inter-bank charge

  • 无折转客户账:No passbook transfer-in

  • 消费或网付:Consumption or online payment

  • 无折客账转账:No passbook transfer-out

  • 对私电汇费:Personal telegraphic transfer fee

  • 对私电子汇划:Personal telegraphic transfer

  • 无折直接贷记:No passbook direct credit

  • 无折直接借记:No passbook direct debit

  • 应付利息结息:Interest payable settlement

  • 网银跨省汇划:Online banking trans-provincial remittance and transfer

  • ATM转入:Transfer-in at ATM

  • ATM取款/ATM支取:Withdrawal at ATM

  • 自动转存:Automatic redeposit

  • 整存整取:Lump sum deposit & withdrawal

  • 自动还款:Automatic repayment

  • 跨行汇款:Inter-bank remittance

  • 汇费:Remittance fee

  • 奖金:Bonus

  • 他行汇入:Remitted across bank/ Inward remittance from other bank

  • 柜面交易:Transaction over the counter

  • 换折:Renewal

  • 银证:Bank securities

  • 汇款:Remittance

  • 累存:Accumulated deposit

  • 累取:Accumulated withdrawal

  • 有线:Cable charge

  • 公积金还贷:Fund deducted account of housing loan

  • 扣年费:Deduction for annual fee

  • 报销费:Reimbursement fee

  • 补正:Correction

  • 支付通:Icard pay

  • 网通费:CNC fee

  • 抹帐:Reversing an entry

  • 劳务:Labor service

  • 报销劳务:Reimbursement for labor cost

  • 认购:Subscription

  • 承上:Brought down

  • 合并:Merge

  • 帐服费:Small management fee

  • 活期账户:Current Account

  • 借款:Loan

  • 卡取:Card withdrawal/Withdrawal by bank card

  • 跨行:Inter-bank

  • 卡存:Card deposit/Deposit by bank card

  • 定期转活期:Term account transfer to current account

  • 同城汇转本 Local Remittance transfer principal

  • 冲补帐:Rush Fill Accounts

  • 账号历史交易明细表: Account History Transaction Statement

  • 活期结算户:Current Account

  • 整存整取户:lump-sum deposit and withdrawal

  • 冻结:Blocked

  • 理财购买:

  • 理财到期:


  • 房产证:Real estate title deed

  • 购房合同:House purchase contract

  • 购房发票:Purchase Invoice

  • 契税完税证:Deed tax certificate

  • 房贷合同:House loan contract

  • 贷款还款查询信息:Inquiry Information of Loan Payment of the house

  • 房产评估报告:Real estate appraisal report


  • a fund of adj. 大量;丰富
  • accident fund 意外事故准备金
  • accumulated fund 累积基金
  • accumulated fund 公积金;积累基金
  • accumulating fund 积累基金
  • accumulation fund 公积金
  • accumulative sinking fund 累计偿债基金
  • additional fund 增加基金
  • additional operating fund 追加营运资金
  • adjusted statement of application of fund 资金运用的调整表
  • adjusted statement of application of fund |调整后资金运用表;资金运用的调整表
  • advance fund 预付经费;预领经费
  • advance fund |预付经费;预付资金
  • advance funding 基金预支
  • advanced funding 事前计提基金
  • African Development Fund 非洲开发基金
  • African Solidarity Fund 非洲统一基金组织
  • aged seamen and widows’ fund 老海员及海员遗孀基金
  • agency fund 代理基金;代管基金;政府部门基金
  • agency fund 代管基金;代管款;代理基金;代收款
  • aggregate fund in and out flow 资金出入总额;公积金总计
  • aggressive growth fund 进取性增长基金
  • aid fund 补助基金
  • alumni fund 校友基金会
  • amortization fund |折旧基金;折旧基金;偿债基金
  • appropriation fund 拔款基金;拔款预算基金;支出预算基金
  • Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会
  • Arab Fund for Joint Development 阿拉伯联合发展基金
  • Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金组织
  • assessment fund 付税基金
  • audit of aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金审计
  • audit of benefit on current fund 流动资金效益度审计
  • audit of benefit on fixed fund 固定资金效益审计
  • audit of commodities fund 商品资金审计
  • audit of current fund 流动资金审计
  • audit of economic benefit on aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金经济效益审计
  • audit of finished goods fund 成品资金审计
  • audit of fixed fund 固定资金审计
  • audit of fund for replacements and technical innovations 更新改造资金审计
  • audit of fund of vegetable fields 菜田基金审计
  • audit of increase rate of aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金增长率审计
  • audit of industrial enterprise fund 工业企业资金审计
  • audit of industrial monetary fund 工业货币资金审计
  • audit of internal control on monetary fund 货币资金内部控制审计
  • audit of loan for current fund 流动资金借款审计
  • audit of long-distance communication developing fund 长途电信发展基金审计
  • audit of malpractices of production fund 生产资金弊端审计
  • audit of national budget regulation fund 国家预算调节基金审计
  • audit of occupancy fees on fixed fund 固定资金占用费审计
  • audit of postal communication developing fund 邮政通信发展基金审计
  • audit of postal developing fund 邮政发展基金审计
  • audit of prawns increment fund 对虾增殖基金审计
  • audit of precipitating rate of aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金沉淀率审计
  • audit of produce-supporting fund 扶持生产基金审计
  • audit of production fund 生产资金审计
  • audit of recovery rate of aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金回收率审计
  • audit of regulative fund on grain enterprises 粮食企业调剂基金审计
  • audit of reserve fund 后备基金审计
  • audit of reserved fund 储备资金审计
  • audit of responsibly saved recurrent fund 经费包干结余审计
  • audit of special fund 专项资金审计
  • audit of traffic special fund 交通专用基金审计
  • audit of traffic working cash fund 交通周转金审计
  • audit of turnover rate of aid-agriculture circulating fund 支农周转金周转率审计
  • audit of turnover speed on current fund 流动资金周转速度审计
  • audit of useful benefit on fixed fund 固定资金利用效益审计
  • audit of useful effect on current fund 流动资金使用效果审计
  • audit of useful effect on fixed fund 固定资金利用效果审计
  • audit of vocational circulating fund 业务周转金审计
  • audit of woods-raising fund 育林基金审计
  • audit on occupancy fees on currency fund 流动资金占用费审计
  • Automatic Fund Allocation System 自动资金分配制
  • balanced mutual fund 平衡互助基金
  • bank deposit on major repair fund 大修基金银行存款
  • bank guaranteed bond fund 银行担保的债券基金
  • bank reserve fund 银行储备金;银行准备金
  • bank’s fund position 银行资金状况
  • banker credit fund 银行信贷资金
  • basic depreciation fund 基本折旧基金
  • blended fund 遗产变卖所得总资金
  • blocked frozen fund 冻结资金
  • blocked fund 冻结资金
  • bloked frozen fund 冻结资金
  • bloked fund 冻结资金
  • bond retirement fund 债券偿还基金
  • bond retirement fund |减债基金;债券偿还基金;债券购销基金
  • bond sinking fund 公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金
  • bond sinking fund |偿债基金;债券偿债基金
  • bonded fund 债券基金;公债基金
  • bonus and welfare fund 奖励及福利基金
  • bonus fund 奖金基金
  • borrowed fund 借入资本
  • British Fund 英国公债
  • British Funds 英国公债
  • budgetary fund |预算基金;预算基金;预算资金
  • buffer fund 缓冲基金
  • business fund |营业基金;营业资金;业务资金
  • cancer fund 抗癌基金
  • capital construction fund 基本建设资金
  • capital development fund 资本发展基金
  • capital fund 资本基金;投资基金
  • capital fund |资本基金;资本基金;投资基金
  • capital projects fund 资本计划基金
  • capital redemption reserve fund 催还资本准备基金
  • capital repair fund 大修基金
  • capital repairs fund 大修基金
  • cash fund 现金基金
  • cash fund |现金基金;现款资金
  • cast of raising fund 筹资费用
  • central provident fund 中央福利备用基金
  • change fund 零用钱;找换金;零用金
  • Children’s Science Achievement Award Fund 少年科学奖基金会
  • China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped 中国残疾人福利基金会
  • circulating fund 流动资金
  • circulating fund 流动资金;循环基金
  • city contingencies fund 对内预备金
  • civil contingencies fund 对内预备金
  • clearing fund 清算基金
  • clearing house fund 票据交换所资金
  • clone money market fund 克隆货币市场基金
  • closed end fund 限额基金
  • closed end investment fund 定额投资基金
  • closed end mutual fund 限额共同基金
  • cofinancing fund 共筹资金
  • collective investment fund 集体投资基金
  • college fund 大学基金
  • combined balance sheet all fund 合并资产负债表-全部基金
  • combined schedule of bond payable by fund 各基金应付债票合并明细表
  • commercial circulating fund 商业流动资金
  • commingled investment fund 混合投资基金
  • commingled real estate fund 混合不动产基金
  • common fund 共同基金
  • common reserve fund 公积金
  • common stock fund 普通股资金
  • compensation fund 补偿基金;补偿储备金
  • Composite Development Fund 欧洲发展基金
  • Composite Social Fund 欧洲社会基金组织
  • concept fund 概念基金
  • consolidated fund 统一财政金库;统一基金
  • Consolidated Fund 统一基金
  • consolidated sinking fund 统一偿债基金
  • consolidated statement of source and use of fund 合并资金来源与运用表
  • consolidated working fund 合并运转基金
  • construction enterprise’s self owned current fund 施工企业自有流动资金
  • consumption fund 消费基金
  • contingent fund 或有基金;意外损失基金
  • continual redemption sinking fund 连续偿债基金
  • conversion fund 兑换基金
  • corporate fund 公司基金
  • counterpart fund 对等基金
  • credit fund |信贷基金;信贷资金
  • crown estate investment fund 英国的公有财产投资基金
  • current fund 流动资金
  • deblocking for fund 资金解冻
  • debt service fund 偿债基金
  • defence funding 防御基金
  • depreciation fund 折旧费
  • depreciation fund |折旧基金
  • derivative fund 衍生基金
  • derivatives fund 衍生基金
  • development fund 发展基金
  • development loan fund 开发贷款基金
  • direct investment fund 直接投资资金
  • disaster relief fund 受灾救济金
  • disaster Relief Trust Fund 免灾信托基金
  • disbursement and balance all fund 现金收支合并表-所有基金
  • disposing of surplus fund 多余资金处理
  • donated fund 捐赠基金
  • dual mutual fund 双重互助基金
  • dual purchase fund 双重购买基金
  • dual purpose fund 双重用途基金
  • dual-purchase fund 双重购买基金
  • earmarking of fund 指定资金用途
  • educational fund 教育基金
  • electronic fund transfer 电子通汇
  • Electronic Funds Transfer System 电子资金转移结算体系
  • employee benefit fund 职工福利基金
  • employee pension fund 职工退休基金
  • employee saving fund 职工储蓄金
  • employee welfare fund 职工福利基金
  • employee’s insurance fund selfdonation 职工自负保险金
  • employee’s welfare fund 职工福利基金
  • employment stabilization fund 就业稳定基金
  • endowment fund 捐赠基金
  • enterprise development fund 企业发展基金
  • enterprise fund 企业基金
  • environmental defence fund 环境保护基金
  • environmental fund management 环境基金管理
  • equity funding 产权偿债
  • equity income fund 股权收入基金
  • escrow fund 代管基金;协议专胜基金
  • European Fund 欧洲基金
  • exchange fund 外汇基金
  • expand fund vt. 扩充基金
  • expandable fund 扩充基金
  • expanded fund 扩大放款


  • 绿色金融 :green finance
  • 金融服务网络:financial service networks
  • 多元化融资体系:diverse financing system
