Java 版本

Java 发行版本与字节码版本号

Use the version selector menu in the lower right to change the version and theme of this documentation

Class File Versions JDK Version Bytecode Version
Java 1.0 45.0
Java 1.1 45.3
Java 1.2 46.0
Java 1.3 47.0
Java 1.4 48.0
Java 5 49.0
Java 6 50.0
Java 7 51.0
Java 8 52.0
Java 9 53.0
Java 10 54.0
Java 11 55.0
Java 12 56.0
Java 13 57.0
Java 14 58.0
Java 15 59.0
Java 16 60.0
Java 17 61.0
Java 18 62.0
Java 19 63.0
Java 20 64.0
Java 21 65.0
Java 22 66.0
Java 23 67.0

Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap

Release GA Date Premier Support Until Extended Support Until Sustaining Support
8(LTS) March 2014 March 2022 December 2030* Indefinite
9 - 10(non-LTS) September 2017 - March 2018 March 2018 - September 2018 Not Available Indefinite
11 (LTS) September 2018 September 2023 January 2032* Indefinite
12 - 16 (non-LTS) March 2019 - March 2021 September 2019 - September 2021 Not Available Indefinite
17 (LTS) September 2021 September 2026**** September 2029**** Indefinite
18 (non-LTS) March 2022 September 2022 Not Available Indefinite
19 (non-LTS) September 2022 March 2023 Not Available Indefinite
20 (non-LTS) March 2023 September 2023 Not Available Indefinite
21 (LTS) September 2023 September 2028**** September 2031**** Indefinite
22 (non-LTS)*** March 2024 September 2024 Not Available Indefinite
23 (non-LTS)*** September 2024 March 2025 Not Available Indefinite
24 (non-LTS)*** March 2025 September 2025 Not Available Indefinite
25 (LTS)*** September 2025 September 2030 September 2033 Indefin

Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap


SpringBoot版本 JDK版本
Spring Framework 6.1.x JDK 17-23
Spring Framework 6.0.x JDK 17-21
Spring Framework 5.3.x JDK 8 to JDK 17 (expected)
Spring Framework 5.2.x JDK 8 to JDK 15 (expected)
Spring Framework 5.1.x JDK 8 to JDK 12
Spring Framework 5.0.x JDK 8 to JDK 10
Spring Framework 4.3.x JDK 6 to JDK 8
 docker pull
 apt  install
 systemctl enable docker.service
 service docker start

 nohup docker run -p=9240:3000 --rm  -v /app/project-data:/project-data &
 docker ps
 docker exec -it xxxxx sh

正常情况下, docker run -v host_path:guest_path 挂载后,gust里面是只读的,需要读写的话,需要换一种写法 docker run -v host_path:guest_path:rw


  • ;
  • .
docker run -v [some absolute path directory by itself] [container image name].

I understand the behaviour of:

    docker run -v [the source, an absolute path on the host to map to a destination within the container]:[the destination, an absolute path in the container] [container image name] ;
    and docker run -v [the source, a docker volume name to map to a destination within the container]:[the destination, an absolute path in the container] [container image name] .